In a competitive auction conducted by SafEarth, NEI awarded its 6.5 MW rooftop solar project to Godrej, who emerged victorious among 20 bidders. 

Godrej has recently commissioned one of the project’s sites at NEI’s Savli Plant, showcasing their efficiency and expertise. Utilizing SafEarth’s Solarflow tool, Godrej managed the project seamlessly, integrating financial, engineering, and construction aspects into a unified platform. This comprehensive approach ensured transparency, allowing NEI to stay informed about the project’s progress every step of the way.

Solarflow, a full-stack solar project management tool, proved instrumental in this success. Designed to simplify and streamline the installation process, Solarflow captures every event at each project stage, providing real-time insights into project progression. Its mobile accessibility ensures that stakeholders can manage projects from anywhere, whether on-site or in meetings, facilitating constant communication and informed decision-making.

Godrej’s adept use of Solarflow enabled them to complete the project in just 120 days—30 days ahead of the typical 150-day timeline for projects of this scale using traditional scheduling methods. This efficiency not only saved significant time and money but also minimized errors and delays, setting a new standard for solar project execution.

With its innovative approach and powerful tools, SafEarth continues to lead the way in transforming how solar projects are managed, demonstrating the value of integrated solutions like Solarflow in driving industry success.

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