The future of solar energy just got brighter! SafEarth recently hosted one of the most competitive solar auctions in Southern India—a 5.7 MWp CAPEX rooftop project for Sitaram Spinners, Hyderabad. The auction, held on September 10th, 2024, brought together 18 of the region’s top EPC companies, all vying for the chance to execute this high-profile project. The result? A fierce competition, compelling bids, and a fantastic win for both the client and the solar industry! 

What makes this project special? Sitaram Spinners, a major player in the textile industry, turned to SafEarth’s innovative solar marketplace to ensure the best EPC was chosen through a transparent, competitive bidding process. By hosting the auction on SafEarth’s platform, they not only secured the best deal but also gained access to our cutting-edge project management tools—ensuring smooth execution from start to finish.

This milestone auction highlights SafEarth’s growing influence in the solar energy space. If you’re a business looking to adopt solar or an EPC eager to access premium projects, SafEarth offers a game-changing platform where innovation meets opportunity.

Ready to take your solar journey to the next level? Join SafEarth today, and see how our platform can transform the way you approach solar energy. The future is bright, and we’re making sure you’re part of it!

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